Leaflets - Infos
Tasks of an au pair are e.g .:
- Wake up the children in the morning, get them ready for school or kindergarten, prepare breakfast for the children, bring them to school / kindergarten
- Play with the children, keep them busy, do something with them, supervise them
- possibly helping the children with chores or overgrowing them
- Washing and ironing children’s laundry, tidying up children’s rooms, babysitting
- Taking on light housework, e.g. preparing small meals, helping with the laundry, doing housework like any other family member, keeping the kitchen clean, tidying up, vacuuming, etc.
- Taking care of pets, walking the dog
The following housework is not an au pair’s tasks:
- Gardening, cleaning windows, cleaning the oven, washing the car, doing bulk purchases, cleaning the toilet, keeping the entire house / apartment clean
Language course
Every au pair is to be given the opportunity to take part in a German language course in their free time and to attend cultural and mentally stimulating events. The host family contributes 50 euros per month to the cost of the language course.
Accommodation and meals
Accommodation and meals are of course provided by the family free of charge. In principle, the au pair has their own room, at least 8 square meters in size, within the family apartment. The au pair takes part in the common meals and receives the same food as the family members.
Pocket money and travel expenses
An au pair does not receive any wages in the usual sense, but only what is known as pocket money. Currently it is usually 280 euros a month. The au pair usually bears the costs for the journey there and back. The host family contributes 50 euros per month towards the cost of the German course.
Health and accident insurance, pregnancy
In any case, insurance for the au pair in Germany must be taken out in the event of illness, pregnancy, childbirth and an accident. All insurance premiums are borne by the family and amount to approx. 25 – 44 euros per month, depending on the tariff chosen and the insurance company.
What are the approximate costs?
per month:
Pocket money: 280 euros
Subsidy for the German course: 50 euros
Further information on au pair and travel insurance is available from our insurance partner
Dr. Walter https://www.au-pair24.de/?vkn=86186
PROTRIP – Für deutsche Au-pairs, Langzeitreisende und Sprachschüler.
Total Au-Pair – costs from 550 euros per month
one-time costs:
580 euros for the placement of an au pair requiring a visa
Shipping of the invitation documents approx. EUR 69.00 DHL Express
Visa extension at the immigration office: approx. 100 euros
How quickly can an au pair requiring a visa be with you?
The average processing time from the day the visa is applied for until it is issued should currently be around 3 – 8 weeks. In some cases it takes longer. This mostly depends on the workload at the respective authorities.